I was about to leave the house this afternoon when Kaga suddenly ran into the room, flailing wildly and making a strange hissing-gasping noise. Squish was trailing him, looking deeply concerned. It took me a good 30 seconds to get hold of him and determine what was wrong
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Y'know, while I make no secret of my love for the fashions of the Gilded Age, I have never, not for one fleeting infinitesimal moment, EVER wanted to actually live in that era, because I can separate frivolous fantasy from grim reality
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(contextKIRO radio did a piece on Steamcon this morning. It included this quote from the reporter: "I think people really like the idea of things that are powered without using fossil fuels
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We've just experienced a milestone: For the first time ever, Squish--not Kaga, who is a ninja and does this all the time--got himself accidentally trapped in the laundry room. He apparently ran in there without me noticing while I was getting something, and since I never expect him to do that, I closed the door when I left without even looking.
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